Wolfgang Held writer, translator, artist, pianist ...

This website has been created primarily to promote the collage and assemblage work of Wolfgang Held, who was born in Freiburg, Germany in 1933, and based in London from 1973 until his death in 2016.
Held is respected in Germany as a published novelist and literary translator from English to German (see Literary Works). His personal papers are logged with Queen Mary, University London as a resource for the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Studies who describe him as an "exceptional homme de lettres and key-figure in Anglo-German literary relations", but his visual work is less well known and we hope this will arouse interest from both British and German scholars and curators for further research and publication.
German Wikipedia entry:
Guardian obituary: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/21/wolfgang-held-obituary

Website design and content (c) Wolfgang Held Estate, 2019 Webmaster: info@wolfgang-held.com